Better understand their attribution

minä voitin jonkun verran ilmaiskierroksilla mutta en pysty nostamaan rahoja koska suljin sen tilin aikoinani jonka kanssa talletin coolbetille. (skrill), kun sanoin heille että cant care less he alkoivat pommittamaan minua sähköposteilla ja tekstiviesteillä että minun pitäisi pelata tuo summa. Minkä takia? en kumminkaan voi nostaa tuota summaa kun heille ei kelpaa mikään muu kotiutus systeemi? Sanoivat kerran että tuo summa häviäisi tililtäni mutta viimeksi tänään sain tekstiviestin että voisin pelata tuolla summalla. Yrittävät kiusata!!!

Toisaalta tilin rekisteröimällä avautuu monta eri maksutapaa. Luottokorttien, nettilompakoiden, paysafecardin ja MuchBetterin käyttäjät arvostavat tätä mahdollisuutta yhä lisääntyvien pikakasinoiden maailmassa.

Coolbet were using a generic demand side platform (DSP) for their programmatic advertising (marketing that uses automated, real-time bidding to place ads across different channels targeted to specific audiences). But this DSP just wasn’t giving them the results they wanted. They needed to reach a larger, and more relevant, online betting audience. But the generic DSPs a lot of media agencies use just don’t cut it. So they came to us.

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Unique DSP

The main factor that attracted Coolbet to ad:s was our unique focus on betting and gaming audiences, with access to highly relevant and higher-value players.

Using our proprietary DSP, we helped Coolbet optimize their programmatic advertising with impactful campaigns targeting and acquiring highly relevant betting and gaming audiences.

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Alun perin Coolbet palveli lähinnä vedonlyöjiä, mutta nyt kasinokin on kehittynyt jo oikein loistavaksi. Pelejä on tullut kivasti lisää ja niiden suodattamiseen on hyvät mahdollisuudet muutenkin informatiivisessa kasinoaulassa. Erityismaininnan ansaitsevat kasinon läpinäkyvä meininki ja hyvät edut, kuten käteispalautus Payback Boosterilla.

Coolbet is a gaming company which strives to be fair, personal and open.
We have created Coolbet Open in order to give players the best possible poker experience building on these principles.

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Coolbet is a gaming company which strives to be fair, personal and open.
We have created Coolbet Open in order to give players the best possible poker experience building on these principles.

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Understanding attribution

Together we build strategies to help Coolbet better understand their attribution, perfect their conversion funnel, cut the CPAs of their marketing campaigns even more, and increase the value of those all-important players.

Initially we helped them set up different tracking pixels in their Google tag manager for their different conversion points. This allowed them to build a sophisticated conversion funnel as part of the ad:s strategies. We also advised on their attribution model, using 7 day post impression and 28 day post click.

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Strategic relationship

Over time, our relationship with Coolbet has matured into an efficient working partnership. Initially it was purely based on executing those test campaigns. But it’s evolved into something much more strategic. We work together to decide on campaign promotions – what to push, what not to push, what to prioritise and so on, in order to achieve marketing success.

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To begin with, Coolbet used ad:s for a test campaign in Canada. This went so well that they quickly expanded into all their major markets (Estonia, Finland, Norway, Chile, Peru and Ecuador), and soon after they signed a one-year commitment with us.

Since they started working with us, Coolbet’s CPA (cost per action) for programmatic advertising has dropped by 50%, and their NGR (net gaming revenue) from those campaigns has increased by a massive 100%. As a result, the media spend they’ve put towards ad:s is now 19 times what it was in the first test phase. And programmatic advertising has become a much bigger piece to their wider marketing strategy.

The future’s looking bright too. With ad:s, Coolbet plan to increase their presence in existing markets, and expand into new ones.

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Try ad:s and smash your own marketing targets.

Built specifically for betting and gaming by leading industry experts, ad:s helps operators achieve unrivalled marketing success.