Backing and laying are simply opposites:
For the purpose of this example, we are going to show you how to place a lay bet on Paris Saint-Germain. Remember, this the same as backing Paris Saint-Germain not to win.
Many newcomers to Matched Betting assume that a lay bet works exactly the same way as a back bet, only against an outcome instead of for it. However, that isn’t at all the case. Because you’re effectively acting as the bookie, you’re responsible for paying out winnings to ‘your’ customer if their bet wins.
You can choose to now ‘lay off’ this bet. By laying the same bet as you back, you are betting both for it to happen, and for it not to happen. Because the odds have got shorter, you are heading to a profit. This is similar to cashing out your bet earlier. Laying off your bet allows you to take reduced, but guaranteed winnings.
Remember, Betfair also charge a small commission on winning bets.
We’re using Betfair for our example, but the on screen layout at all betting exchanges is similar. What you will notice are two different boxes. The blue box is your traditional back bet, and the pink one a lay bet.
Betfair is one of the best betting exchanges around if you’re looking to place lay bets on sporting events from across the globe. We’ve provided you with a step-by-step guide on how to place a lay bet on Betfair.
When you place a bet at an , you are backing an event to occur. You’re backing a horse to win a race, a team to win a match or a player to defeat their opponent.
An exchange matches bets between customers who want to buy a back bet, and those who want to sell a lay bet. The odds offered are therefore based on the odds other customers are willing to accept - but they’re usually pretty close to the , so long as an event is popular enough to attract a good amount of interest from bettors.
Lay odds = Back odds / (Back odds -1)
Yksi lay-vedonlyönnin suurimmista eduista on, että sinulla on suurempi mahdollisuus voittaa, koska lyöt vetoa tiettyä tulosta vastaan. Markkinoilla, joissa on kolme mahdollista tulosta (kuten jalkapallossa), lay-vetosi kattaa kaksi tulosta. Tämä lisääntynyt onnistumisen todennäköisyys houkuttelee monia ammattimaisia vedonlyöjiä, erityisesti kun he havaitsevat tiettyjen joukkueiden tai urheilijoiden kertoimien yliarvostuksen.
Mitä ne back- ja lay-sarakkeet ovat?
The only exception to this is if you place lay bets against multiple outcomes at one exchange. For example, if you placed the above lay bet against a draw, and then also placed a lay bet against Crystal Palace winning. As it isn’t possible for both these outcomes to occur, you can’t possibly lose both bets - so the exchange will take this into account when calculating your liability.
How To: Lay Betting | Learn About Lay Betting | Betfair Hub
So long as the liquidity shown is higher than the lay stake you want to place, your lay bet will be immediately matched as soon as you place it. As you can see, there are several sets of odds available for each selection - back odds in blue, lay odds in red. The best odds are shown in darker blue and red, but you also have the option of choosing slightly less advantageous odds if there isn’t enough liquidity for the amount you want to stake. So for example, you might want to lay £10 on a draw - but as there’s only £4 liquidity at odds of 3.6, you could choose to lay at 3.65 instead.
Opas lay-vedonlyöntiin aloittelijoille
Lay betting when Matched Betting works the same way, just on a bigger scale. You’re acting as a bookie yourself when you place a lay bet, in that you are selling a bet to other punters. If their bet doesn’t win, you keep the stake as profit; if it does, you have to pay out their winnings (but don’t worry - if you’re Matched Betting, your winnings from your back bet will balance this out).
Vedonlyöntipörssi: Lay-veto eli vastaveto ..
As they recorded a string of stunning results during - including wins home and away against the Netherlands - their odds to win Euro 2016 started to steadily drop.
It was a fantastic back-to-lay opportunity, with traders who backed Iceland earlier at odds of 500/1 able to lay at much shorter odds in order to lock in a profit.