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Heya! Just got Uni2 today and wondered if any Seth mains can give me some beginner combos with annotations. I don’t really know what 22F or anything like that is but I’m familiar with basic numeric annotations (I came from the dbfz) so anything like 22B+C works. Thanks in advance!

A certificarlo è l’edizione 2024 del ranking GreenMetric, che da quindici anni valuta le azioni e le politiche adottate dalle università in campo green.

The PlayStation 3 version of the game received a 29/40 by . Reviewers appreciated the ease of the controls but felt there was a barrier to entry and that the basics could be better explained. Kyle MacGregor of said that it was "an intelligent, tactical fighting game that I'll surely be playing for a long time to come." Victor Ayora of said it was "One good fighting game. Maybe it's not as deep as previous Arc System Works games, but successfully achieves what it is aiming: to let the player enjoy it." Biagio Etna of lauded the art and combat system but criticized the steep learning curve and the pacing of the visual novel-style Chronicle Mode introduced in . Filippo Facchetti of concluded "an interesting 2D fighting game with a very unique fighting system. Just try it, and you'll be amazed." was nominated for the category of Best Fighting Game at , but lost to .

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A traditional super meter known as the EXS Gauge fills up whenever players attack or get hit. Characters can expend resources from the gauge for various functions, such as enhancing special attacks, performing super attacks known as Infinite Worths, or changing momentum from a defensive position. At low health, characters can also use a unique super attack called an Infinite Worth EXS, which are highly damaging and often feature a cinematic element when performed successfully.

Bath's world-leading research is improving lives and changing the world. Our enterprise and innovation deliver scientific and economic impact - benefiting communities locally, nationally, and internationally. We engage with the public, policy-makers, charities, and businesses to inform new research directions.

The IAAPS team has supported propulsion research for over 40 years and offers a unique combination of academic and industrial expertise in all propulsion types.

Our staff and students are involved with the community in and around Bath, including partnerships with community groups and collaborations with local organisations.

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Il 13 gennaio l'evento aperto alla comunità con l'obiettivo di approfondire tematiche come anticorruzione, trasparenza e corretta divulgazione: un’occasione per riflettere insieme su come l’etica e i media possano diventare agenti di cambiamento e progresso.

We combine natural sciences and engineering in a unique way.

Bengkulu (ANTARA) - Universitas Bengkulu bekerja sama dengan Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) mengarsipkan bahasa asli pulau terluar Indonesia di Provinsi Bengkulu yaitu Pulau Enggano sebagai upaya mencegah dari kepunahan.

Visi UNIB menjadi universitas kelas dunia pada tahun 2025.

"Kami kerja sama juga dengan UGM pada Desember ini akan ke Enggano lagi. Menggandeng UGM untuk pengabdian masyarakat di Enggano, salah satunya melestarikan budaya asli Enggano," kata Wakil Rektor Universitas Bengkulu Bidang Akademik Prof Mochamad Lutfi Firdaus di Bengkulu, Kamis.

in Journalism & Mass Communication

Dia mengatakan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Bengkulu bekerja sama dengan UGM untuk tahap awal ini meneliti bahasa asli Enggano, dan hasilnya nanti baru dibuat dalam bentuk naskah dan diarsipkan.

Make your university search faster and less stressful.

"Kami akan meneliti bahasa Enggano dan akan diabadikan nanti di dalam dalam naskah teks, kerja sama LPPM Universitas Bengkulu dengan UGM. Insya Allah bahasa Enggano ini akan kami arsipkan biar tidak punah ke depan," kata dia.

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We're a university that's well placed to help you succeed, wherever you're from. We're for overall performance, student satisfaction, and graduate employment.