Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
UNIBE is one of the leading private non-for-profit universities in the Dominican Republic. UNIBE was founded in 1982, and today offers 15 undergraduate programs, 14 masters programs and many certificates and diplomas through it's continuing education departments. UNIBE also has dual degree graduate and undergraduate programs with European and North American universities. It offers degree programs in Spanish and English in medicine, civil engineering, and business administration.
UNIBE encourages scientific and philosophical diversity, creates an environment that respects religious and political beliefs in order to engage different perspectives in meaningful academic dialogue, and ensures that it is an inclusive institution representative of our country and the region´s diversity. UNIBE's work in this regard has been recognized through its UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Education for People with Disabilities and Special Education Needs and its membership in the UNITWIN Network on Media, Gender, and ICTs.
L'Università di Berna possiede cinque poli di ricerca nazionali e collabora con diverse scuole universitarie allo scopo di estendere la sua offerta di studi e le possibilità di specializzazione. Essa ospita la facoltà Vetsuisse, che forma i veterinari in Svizzera.
The online magazine of the University of Bern (in German)
UNIBE has several research program, including an undergraduate research track and an undergraduate neurosciences research program which aim to introduce students to research early on in their academic training. UNIBE has an Institute for Tropical Medicina and Global Health, the Center for Biomaterials and Dentistry Research, the Neurocognition and Psychophysiology Laboratory, among other research laboratories that provide undergraduate and graduate students with unique research opportunities in the country. Special research programs are available for the study of tropical and neglected diseases as well as HIV and COVID-19.
The Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED) is an interfaculty center for research, teaching and consulting in regional economic development. Researchers from the research units Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and Tourism deal with research questions regarding the following research areas: Location dynamics and regional economic policy, Tourism as well as Land use policy and real estate.
UNIBE has a student body of over 4,000 students who come from more than 20 countries and more than 700 faculty members. More than 8,000 alumni have graduated from UNIBE. UNIBE currently has a main campus in Santo Domingo's historic Gascue neighborhood and a third facility for research in global health and other health and behavioral sciences.
Alumni UniBE vereint interessierte Studierende, Ehemalige und Angehörige der Universität Bern. Gemeinsam geteilte Erinnerungen wie Erfahrungen verbinden zur lebendigen Community. Das Netzwerk bietet den Zugang zu persönlichen und beruflichen Beziehungen sowie die Verbindung zu Forschung und Wissen der Universität Bern.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
Das Weiterbildungsangebot 2025 der @Universität Bern inspiriert zur beruflichen und persönlichen Weiterentwicklung. In sieben verschiedenen Themengebieten bieten wir über 120 Weiterbildungsstudiengänge. Entdecken Sie die Übersicht als PDF zum Downloaden.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
A number of the university's centres focus on the challenges of . The manages research programmes in the field of , focusing on its particular areas of expertise in integrated regional development and management. The (WTI) manages research, education, and outreach focused on , including global sustainability policy. The is at the forefront of international research on and policy, and its researchers have participated as co-chair, coordinating lead authors or lead authors in all the assessment reports so far published by the .
The online magazine of the University of Bern
The university has defined specific strategic focuses of research and established interdisciplinary centres for research and teaching. The biomedical engineering programmes of the Artificial Organ (ARTORG) Center for Biomedical Engineering Research and the Public Management and Policy programme of the Center of Competence for Public Management (CCPM).
The online magazine of the University of Bern
UNIBE is one of the leading private non-for-profit universities in the Dominican Republic. UNIBE was founded in 1982, and today offers 15 undergraduate programs, 14 masters programs and many certificates and diplomas through it's continuing education departments. UNIBE also has dual degree graduate and undergraduate programs with European and North American universities. It offers degree programs in Spanish and English in medicine, civil engineering, and business administration.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
Wie sind Kompetenznachweise in Zeiten von KI zu gestalten? Am 13. Tag der Lehre der Universität Bern nehmen wir eine Standortbestimmung vor und suchen nach Antworten auf die Frage, wie mit und trotz KI kompetenzorientiertes Assessment durchgeführt werden kann.