Listasimme alle Expekt-kasinon yleiset bonusehdot:
By running Expekt on our technical platform starting from today, customers will be able to partake in our award-winning gaming experience – both for sports betting and casino.
Hieman ihmetystä saattaa aiheuttaa Expektin bonus, jonka toimintalogiikka on hyvin erilainen monen muun kasinon bonuksessa. Pelaajan tulee ennen bonuksen saamista kierrättää omalla rahalla talletussumma 30-kertaisesti. Bonusraha tulee vasta tämän jälkeen pelaajan tilille, mutta toisaalta tällöin rahat ovat jo .
Kiva lisäbonus on se, että pelaaja voi tallettaa lisää rahaa menettämättä bonuskierrätystä, joten bonuksen läpi saaminen Expektiltä on kohtalaisen helppo homma.
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The Denmark launch comes as the group, typically focused on online casino products, seeks to further grow in the sports betting sector. Expekt was first relaunched in Sweden in 2021 and now eyes the Danish market as its second one, where customers will now benefit from an updated smartphone app, competitive odds and an enhanced iGaming section.
Expektin bonuslogiikka on hieman erilainen kuin monella muulla kasinolla. Jos olet kuitenkin joskus pelannut esimerkiksi LeoVegasilla, Expektin toimintamallikin tuntuu varmasti tutulta.
Kasinolle kirjauduttaesa pelaaja pääsee valitsemaan itselleen kasinon tervetuliaistarjouksen, joka on 100% talletusbonus aina 300 euroon saakka. Monesta muusta kasinosta poiketen Expekt ei kuitenkaan myönnä bonusrahaa saman tien pelaajan tilille, vaan pelaajan on ensin kierrätettävä bonuksen vapauttamiseen vaadittava summa 30-kertaisena.
There are no mobile-related bonuses available with Expekt, unfortunately, but you can use the same username and password as you would with the main site, and the mobile-optimised interface is easy to navigate.
Kertoimet | Parhaat vedonlyöntikertoimet | new expekt
Sports and other events are available in abundance in the area. Many sports can be watched, including Ice Hockey, Football, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, American Football, Esports, UFC-MMA, Golf, Aussie Rules, Badminton, Boxing, Chess, Cricket, Cycling, Cyclo-cross, Darts, Handball, Motorsports, Politics, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Snooker, Surfing, Table Tennis, Trotting, TV & Novelty, Volleyball, Winter Olympic Games, Winter Sports, WWE-Pro Wrest
Vedonlyönti, Casino ja Live Casino new expektillä
Unfortunately, Expekt sports do not currently provide a sign-up bonus for customers. This is surprising. Although there is no generic sign up bonus, they do provide regular ad hoc concessions and bonuses on a variety of sports. For instance, at the time of review, the bookie are offering a bonus of up to €25 on the French Open tennis. For every 5 bets the customers place during the tournament, they receive a €5 bonus. Once the customer has received €20 in bonuses, they get a further €5.
Jalkapallo vedonlyönti ja kertoimet | new expekt
The lack of the sign-up bonus is compensated for by the VIP program that Expekt offer. VIP customers can access great , get invites to sporting events, obtain faster cash outs and much more when becoming a VIP player. Obviously these services are reserved for the high-rollers who bring a lot of business to the firm, but all the same, it is still a nice touch.
New expekt | Play Casino, Live Casino and Sports Betting
Expekt Casino holds a license from the Swedish Gambling Authority (SGA) and a license from the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA). SGA’s licensing procedure is strict. Also, the brand is associated with a very well-established betting group with an incredible amount of experience in its field and has been around for over 20 years. That means that it is a very reliable company.
Viihdekohteet vedonlyönti & kertoimet | new expekt
Expek Casino on nykyisin niin sanottu pikakasino, joka tarkoittaa sitä, että erillistä monimutkaista rekisteröitymisprosessia ei vaadita. Pelaajan tunnistautumis- ja maksutapana toimii suomalaisten suosima maksupalvelu . Muista maksutapoja ei ole tarjolla.