Bonuskoodien Tyson vs Jake Paul vedonlyönti:
Tiimimme on nyt myös katsonut Netflixin ”Countdown Paul vs Mike Tyson – a Documentary series” -erikoissarjan kaikki kolme osaa. Ja tämän jälkeenkin meidän panokset menevät Tysonille kuten alkuperäiset (alempaa löytyvät) vinkkimme suosittelevat. Mike vaikuttaa olevan iästään huolimatta kovassa tikissä ja salamannopea. Myös Miken iskuvoima on todennäköisesti kovempi kuin mitä Jake Paul on koskaan kokenut aikaisemmissa otteluissaan.
Budsino toi pöytään huippukampanjan ja korotetun kertoimen juuri Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson ottelun lähestyessä. Nappaa 50-kerroin Mike Tyson voitolle!
"Jake Paul will knock out Mike Tyson. This will not be close at all. Boxing is a young man's game and Mike is 58 years old. They're sending a lamb to the slaughter and it's disgusting," he .
Want to bet on the Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson fight?
The highly anticipated showdown between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson is more than just a clash of generations—it’s a spectacle that has the sports world buzzing. For bettors, this unique matchup opens the door to creative wagering opportunities beyond the standard win/loss bets.
Anything can happen inside the squared circle. That’s why we bet on boxing, and that’s why we have boxing odds for the big November 15 fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson. Paul is the favorite on the Vegas strip and at the , but enough people believe in Tyson to make him a +225 underdog, which implies a 30.8% chance of victory for Iron Mike.
Tyson’s actual chances of winning are almost certainly much smaller. But despite his former bad-boy reputation, Tyson is the babyface in this matchup, while Paul has made a career out of playing the heel – much like his brother Logan, the former WWE United States champion. You’ll have to pay a premium if you want to bet on Mike Tyson, and against Jake Paul.
The listed below are expected to release a laundry list of Jake Paul and Mike Tyson prop bets. Each of the sportsbooks have been reviewed by OddsTrader and ranked across a number of key categories for bettors.
: : Mike Tyson – Jake Paul Fight Draws Record Betting Numbers
Many experts have declared it good for the sport and as the fight gets closer, so there is a growing feeling that the former world champ might just prove too good for the younger man. This is already being seen in some of the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson 2024 betting tips, which are recognizing that Tyson is in incredible shape for his age and still seems to pack a hammer punch.
Who Won the Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul Fight on Netflix?
Most Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson predictions suggest the age difference will be too much and Paul will be victorious. However, if Tyson can give Paul a difficult first three rounds it may already be over if Tyson's power connects. Therefore, our Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson prediction is for Mike Tyson to shock the world (and the bookmakers) and knockout Paul within the first 4 rounds.
Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Time, Date, Where to Watch & Fight Details
Kuten alapuolen taulukosta huomaamme, kertoimien valossa Jake Paul lähtee otteluun suhteellisen suurena ennakkosuosikkina ja varsinkin iän puolesta Paulilla on otteluun huomattavasti paremmat lähtökohdat. Mutta kuten jo aiemmin todettua, nähtäväksi jää millaiseen iskuun Tyson on vanhan moukarinsa saanut ja miten Paul legendan iskuja kestää. Kumman kelkkaan sinä hyppäät? Kommentoi oma heppasi viikonlopulle alas kommenttiosioon!
Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul Tale of the Tape: Who Has the Edge?
Meidän kumppaneilta löydät paljon muitakin vedonlyöntibonuksia, jotka voit pelata haluamissasi kohteissa mukaan lukien Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson vedonlyönti.
When is the Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul Heavyweight Boxing Match?
Love it or hate it, Jake Paul is fighting Mike Tyson in a sanctioned professional boxing match this week on Friday, November 15.
Ranking the Top 5 Prop Bets for Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson
"[Mike Tyson] is older now... I pray that he comes out healthy. I think Jake Paul [wins] because of youth. That's the only thing," he said while on an episode of the Jonathan Ross Show.