Aberdeen v HJK Helsinki will kick off at 8pm.

HJK vs Aberdeen FC 2–2 (2–1)
16’ Hassane Bandé 1–0
33’ Santeri Hostikka 2–0
41’ Angus MacDonald 2–1
56’ Duk 2–2
Yleisömäärä: 9053

Tämän jälkeen kotijoukkue nappasi pelin hallintaansa, ja HJK joutui paikoin puolustamaan syvällä pitkiäkin aikoja. Toisaalta pallonhallintaan kotimaassaan tottumaton Aberdeen ei ollut parhaimmillaan Klubin blokin murtamisessa, ja Jesse Öst sai olla maalillaan melko rauhassa.

Ottelun avausjakso oli kokonaisuudessaan hyvin rikkonainen, eikä sen aikana nähty laadukkaita maalipaikkoja kummaltakaan joukkueelta. HJK oli ensimmäisen kympin aikana hyvin pelissä mukana, ja ottelun ensimmäinen maalipaikka avautui Filip Rogićille, joka tälläsi pallon hieman yli Aberdeenin maalista.

bet365 odds: Aberdeen () Draw () HJK Helsinki ()*

HJK avasi pistetilinsä Konferenssiliigan lohkovaiheessa, kun joukkue tasasi pisteet Skotlannissa Aberdeenin vieraana. Lohkon toisessa ottelussa kreikkalainen PAOK voitti saksalaisen Eintracht Frankfurtin ja siirtyi lohkon kärkipaikalle. Klubi on kolmannella sijalla, tasapisteissä lohkon jumbopaikkaa hallussaan pitävän Aberdeenin kanssa.

HJK joutui tyytymään kauden viimeisessä kotiottelussaan tasapeliin, kun joukkue pelasi 2–2-tasapelin Aberdeenia vastaan Konferenssiliigassa. Klubi siirtyi puolessa tunnissa jo kahden maalin karkumatkalle, mutta skotlantilaiset onnistuivat nousemaan tasoihin lumisella Bolt Arenalla.

HJK-hyökkääjä Topi Keskinen siirtyy Skotlannin pääsarjaseura Aberdeen FC:n riveihin. Skottiseura maksaa 21-vuotiaasta Keskisestä erittäin merkittävän siirtokorvauksen, ja lisäksi HJK saa prosenttiosuuden myyntihinnasta, mikäli Aberdeen myy Keskisen aikanaan eteenpäin.

HJK on Aberdeenille sen historian toinen suomalaisvastustaja. Kesällä 2019 Aberdeen kohtasi Eurooppa-liigan ensimmäisellä karsintakierroksella Rovaniemen Palloseuran, joka hävisi skoteille yhteismaalein 2–4. Tuolloin RoPSissa pelannut Lucas Lingman syötti toisen rovaniemeläisten maaleista.

HJK ja Aberdeen pelasivat 2–2-tasapelin Konferenssiliigassa.

HJK jahtaa Konferenssiliigan lohkovaiheen ensimmäistä voittoaan torstaina 30.11. klo 19.45, kun Aberdeen FC saapuu talviselle Bolt Arenalle. Lokakuussa joukkueet päätyivät Skotlannissa pistejakoon 1-1-lukemin. Lippuja on myyty keskiviikkoon mennessä 8 500, ja lipunmyynti onkin kiihtynyt alkuviikon aikana. Varmista siis paikkasi nyt ja saavuthan ajoissa paikalle!

HJK ja Aberdeen FC tasasivat pisteet Konferenssiliigassa.

Vuoden viimeinen kotiottelu pelataan torstaina 30.11. Bolt Arenalla, kun HJK saa vastaansa Aberdeenin kello 19.45. Taas kansa täyttää katsomon, joten saavuthan ajoissa paikalle.

Aberdeen HJK Helsinki in the summer.

HJK kohtaa Konferenssiliigan lohkovaiheen ensimmäisessä vierasottelussaan skotlantilaisen Aberdeenin. Molemmilla on tappio allaan lohkon ensimmäiseltä ottelupäivältä, kun Klubi taipui kotonaan kreikkalaiselle PAOKille, ja Aberdeen hävisi Saksassa Eintracht Frankfurtille.

Katsojainfo: HJK vs Aberdeen FC to 30.11

Il match fra HJK Helsinki e gli scozzesi dell'Aberdeen, gara valida per il Gruppo G di Conference League, è stato interrotto al dodicesimo della ripresa sul punteggio di 2-1 per i padroni di casa. Il motivo? I tifosi ospiti hanno iniziato a lanciare palle di neve contro il portiere dell'HJK Helsinki, Niki Maenpaa, costringendo l'arbitro a fermare la partita. Dopo ben sedici minuti di recupero e un'altra interruzione per spalare la neve dal campo, la gara è terminata sul risultato di 2-2

Konferenssiliiga: HJK johtaa Aberdeenia vastaan

Toisen jakson alussa Klubi tarjoili illan parasta peliään, kun joukkue hallitsi palloa pitkiä aikoja tyylikkäillä syöttöketjuilla. Aberdeen puolusti kuitenkin omaa boksiaan tiiviisti, eikä HJK päässyt murtautumaan.

Mikä Aberdeen FC? – Tutustu HJK:n seuraavaan vastustajaan

Bojan Radulovic's goal gave the visitors the advantage on the hour mark before Bojan Miovski nodded in a late leveller to share the spoils and leave both teams searching for their first Group G win.

Former Dons strikers Frank McDougall and Jim Forrest were remembered with a minute's applause ahead of kick-off as Pittodrie marked its first home European group game since thrashing Copenhagen almost 16 years ago.

It was an energetic start to the clash with Barry Robson's side on the front foot, cheered on by the 16,000-strong home crowd in the Granite City. Rogic Filip fired the ball wide for HJK and Richard Jensen went close from a corner at the other end. Aberdeen, shooting towards the Red Shed, took command as Luis 'Duk' Lopes then stung the palms of Jesse Ost and Miovski's effort almost crept in.

Robson's men continued to probe for an opener during a fairly dominant but stop-start first half, with plenty of possession and a wealth of confidence. Two lengthy stoppages, firstly for an apparent elbow on Duk then Jensen drew blood and had to be bandaged up after a head knock, which meant a lack of flow to proceedings.

Ten minutes were added on as a result and the Finns began to finally find their feet with a couple of dangerous attacks of their own. However, nothing could separate the pair at the break.

HJK came out for the second half strongly. It was their turn to pass the ball around and open up space. That was evident when Pyry Soiri cut inside and shot over on 56 minutes. The visitors could sense blood and they broke the deadlock through Radulovic shortly after when the No.9 found himself free inside the Aberdeen box to fire beyond Kelle Roos and silence the stadium.

Aberdeen almost responded immediately as HJK stopper Ost tipped Miovski's volley over the crossbar. The game was very open. The Dons had to chase an equaliser.

That transpired with ten minutes remaining when Miovski clinically headed past Ost and sent the home fans berserk. Duk was then played through on goal but was denied by the outstretched arm of the HJK 'keeper. There wasn't to be an elusive winner as both sets of supporters were sent away thinking 'what if'.

Here are five burning issues from the game.

Opting for stability

Robson opted for just one change from last time out, with Duk replacing Dante Polvara in the starting XI. That showed attacking intent to deploy two frontmen against the Veikkausliiga champions.

And you can see this Aberdeen team gelling together after 13 new players were recruited over the summer. They were heavily criticised for their 'hoof ball' approach when they faced Hearts in mid-September. But that appears to be a thing of the past. Aberdeen now looks like a side that wants to play passing through the lines and utilise their key men more.

Connor Barron was brought into the action on the hour mark and the U21 star would have made a case to be in from the off as a result of his recent displays. That shows the depth Robson has at his disposal this season. They are still a work in progress but the Dons boss will be eager for his new-look squad to take the positive aspects of their HJK showing into future games and improve.

Marking the occasion

The last time Aberdeen played at Pittodrie in the group stage of European competition was back in 2007 where they registered a memorable 4-0 victory over FC Copenhagen under Jimmy Calderwood.

And the Dons went into this clash 15 years and nine months later, on the back of a huge 3-1 win over Rangers at Ibrox, which subsequently saw Michael Beale relieved of his duties. A valiant effort in a 2-1 reverse to Eintracht Frankfurt followed by three successive wins in all competitions had got the hopes of the Aberdonian public raised once again.

All in all, Pittodrie registered another healthy attendance with the Red Army backing their side in numbers and with two pre-match displays but the paying punters weren't rewarded with a Euro victory.

Miovski magic not enough

The North Macedonia bagged 18 goals during his debut campaign last time out and he looks well on course to at least match that tally this season.

Miovski was at the heart of everything positive from Aberdeen and took advantage of a loose header to hand his team a lifeline with 10 minutes remaining.

His strike partner, Duk, who shrugged off an injury scare shortly before half-time, was also energetic throughout. The pair worked tirelessly without really terrorising the HJK defence enough at times.

What next?

HJK have been crowned Finnish champions in 11 of the last 14 seasons and on Sunday, they face VPS in their penultimate league match and need just a point to clinch a fourth straight title.

The games keep on coming for Aberdeen too as St Johnstone visits Pittodrie on Sunday looking for their first Scottish Premiership win of the season. They are only four points off third place, where they would love to finish to ensure a return to the European stage and keep pushing to be a UEFA top 100 club - something chairman Dave Cormack has been very vocal about.

Missed opportunity

Group G rivals PAOK Thessaloniki triumphed 2-1 winners over German giants and recent Europa League winners Eintracht Frankfurt in Greece to top Group G. The results mean Aberdeen sit bottom, with a point from their opening two matches.