SM-liigan alkuperäinen logo syntyi monien mutkien kautta

Tuo JYP HT:n "No smoking team" -logo pääsi kammotuslistan kärkeen, kulttuuriteko sekin.

Tämän hetkisistä SM-liiga -logoista tyylikkäin on mielestäni HIFK:lla.

The evolution of the Finnish Liiga logo reflects the change in the name of the league. From 2013, SM-liiga started to be marketed as just Liiga, and therefore, adopted a new emblem.

This Liiga logo version does not impress with its appearance as it has typical elements for sports logos. At the same time, it looks well-designed and its simplicity makes it look great even a couple of decades later. The blue oval shape with a light gray border serves as the base. The logo has the name printed in two lines using italicized, bold, sans-serif letters. The inscription looks clean and easy to read. The name is accompanied by a drawing of a figure of an ice hockey player and an enlarged hockey puck across the name.

Tässä on SM-liigan juhlavuoden uusi logo

The centerpiece of the current logo is a black circle, which is presumably a hockey puck. Over the circle, the script “Liiga” is placed. It goes diagonally upwards. The end of the “G” stretches below the first three letters and forms a hockey stick.
The old SM-liiga logo had a completely different design. Here, a hockey player could be seen inside a blue ellipse with a 3D silver outline. The name of the league was given in large white letters.

La evolución del logo de la Liiga finlandesa refleja el cambio en el nombre de la liga. A partir de 2013, SM-liiga comenzó a comercializarse simplemente como Liiga y, por lo tanto, adoptó un nuevo emblema.